Foto © Butgb-Ubatc

Extension of the deadline for the authorisation of CE marked construction products in the UK to 1 January 2023

At the end of August, the UK authorities announced that the transition period for the use of the CE marking in the UK has been extended to 31 December 2022, provided that the requirements to be met by the CE marking remain similar to those applied in the UK. During this period, care should be taken to detect any changes in the requirements initiated by either party.

After this date, producers and other actors in the supply chain will have to learn to live with the use of three different markings. The rules for their use will depend on where the product will be marketed.

These three markings are:

  • The CE marking of the EU
  • The “United Kingdom Conformity Assessed” marking (UKCA marking) for the United Kingdom
  • The United Kingdom for Northern Ireland (UKNI marking), which supplements the CE marking when certain United Kingdom requirements apply to products destined for the Northern Ireland market.

Depending on the regulations in each jurisdiction, producers may be required to use the services of a conformity assessment body.

These tasks will be performed by recognised bodies in the relevant jurisdictions:

  • The assessment of conformity according to the implementation modalities in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) is entrusted to a body recognised by the government of the United Kingdom.
  • A notified body of the EU is designated by an EU Member State and recognised by the European Commission for the conformity assessment tasks required under Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 (Construction Products Regulation), which applies to EEA countries (European Economic Area), and under relevant legislation adopted by the United Kingdom for the Northern Ireland market.
  • A notified body of the United Kingdom Government with a special derogation under the Northern Ireland Protocol on such bodies, whereby for the Northern Ireland market, conformity with the CE marking can be assessed in addition to the UKNI marking.


The attached tables give an overview of the situation:

Until 31/12/2022

To access the Northern Ireland market

To access the British market

CE marking issued by a notified body in one of the EU countries


UKNI CE marking issued by a UK certified body

UKCA marking issued by a UK certified body


CE marking by a notified body in one of the EU countries


From 01/01/2023


To access the Northern Ireland market

To access the British market

CE marking issued by a notified body in one of the EU countries


UKNI CE marking issued by a United Kingdom notified body

UKCA marking issued by a UK certified body



Note: This applies to all producers worldwide, except those based in Northern Ireland, that produce “permissible goods”. The UKNI marking is a special marking and should be used in conjunction with another EU conformity marking (usually the CE marking, but other markings may also apply).

For more information, please visit the UK Government website: Construction Products Regulation in Great Britain - GOV.UK

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