What is the product?

  • Prefabricated concrete products are elements made of unreinforced, reinforced or steel-fibre concrete that are delivered to the site ready for installation.
  • The range of concrete products for infrastructure works covered by this technical requirement is quite extensive:
    • prefabricated deck and foundation slabs for wells not constructed of concrete,
    • special wells,
    • terminal wall elements and inflow and outflow elements,
    • foundation elements for infrastructure works,
    • sheet piles,
    • elements for shore protection and reinforcement,
    • concrete drainage channels for vehicular traffic areas

Product applications

Prefabricated concrete products for infrastructure works are intended among others for covering and draining ground surfaces, collecting rainwater and waste water, treating waste water, embankment, bank and dike base protection, and the housing and protection of cables and pipes.

What does COPRO do?

Certification of the prefabricated concrete products itself is in the hands of the certification body PROBETON vzw.

COPRO as inspection body performs the following tasks as a subcontractor to Probeton:

  • External control at the producer site;
  • Attending tests at the producer site;
  • The sampling of control tests;
  • Inspection of the raw materials and the production process.


How do you recognize a certified product?

  • On the product itself or on the packaging:
    • The BENOR logo and the producer’s certification number;
    • The production date followed by the most recent date of inspection.
  • On the documents associated with the certified product:
    • Reference to the BENOR certificate on the delivery note;
    • The BENOR certificate and the accompanying BENOR annex.

What are the benefits of the certified product?

  • The BENOR certification provides sufficient guarantees concerning the product’s conformity.
  • COPRO ensures that the properties of the products are continually assessed by the producer and checked against the Technical Requirements.
  • In the case of certification, not only is it checked whether the end product meets the requirements, but there is also continuous supervision of the raw materials, the production process and the concrete compositions.


COPRO dient als keuringsinstelling bij het uitvoeren van de inspecties de certificatiedocumenten voor PTV 100 en ATR 100 uitgegeven door Probeton toe te passen.

Elk geprefabriceerd betonproduct op zich heeft zijn specifieke certificatiedocumenten. Deze worden beheerd en gepubliceerd door Probeton. Een overzicht is terug te vinden op de website van Probeton.

Sectorale Commissie / Werkgroepen

In de schoot van Probeton zijn verschillende Sectorale Technische Comités en Expertengroepen opgericht. Deze werkingsorganen zorgen voor het opstellen van de technische en reglementaire voorschriften en zien erop toe dat deze voorschriften afgestemd zijn op de behoeften op het terrein. COPRO is lid van deze werkingsorganen, waar we onze kennis en expertise ten dienste stellen.

Prefabricated concrete
Prefabricated concrete
Prefabricated concrete

Want more info about the selected product? Contact a COPRO employee.

Renée Declerck
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager
Inspection manager

Declerck Renée

Inspection & Quality manager